What is new in Wcb 2.8? ----------------------- 1. The before/after-selset and before/after-selclear callbacks are now supported for text widgets, too (where they refer to the "tag add sel" and "tag remove sel" operations). 2. The demo script "texttest.tcl" now also shows how to use a before- selset callback for protecting a range of characters in a text widget from being selected. 3. Minor improvements in the code, demo scripts, and documentation. 4. The distribution file "wcb2_8.zip" for Windows now includes the "wcb2.8" directory, hence it is no longer necessary to create this folder before unpacking the distribution file. What was new in Wcb 2.7? ------------------------ 1. Fixed a bug in the private procedure "textWidgetCmd" (thanks to Brian Theado for his bug report). 2. Extended the private procedure "cleanup", to improve the support for tablelist widgets (thanks to Juri Shimon for his bug report). 3. Extended the "How to use it?" section of the tutorial "wcb.html". What was new in Wcb 2.6? ------------------------ 1. Fixed a bug introduced in version 2.5 in the private procedure "processCmd" (thanks to Juri Shimon for his bug report). 2. Added the before-insert callbacks "checkStrForRegExp" and "checkStrsForRegExp". 3. Internationalized the sample before-insert callbacks "checkStrFor*" and "checkStrsFor*" for Tk versions 8.1 or higher. 4. The text widget callbacks "checkStrsFor*" now accept also "\n" characters. What was new in Wcb 2.5? ------------------------ 1. New "pathname" command to query the path name of the widget corresponding to a Tcl command name (this was kindly suggested by Bastien Chevreux). 2. Improved the implementations of the "cancel", "extend", and "replace" commands, as well as of the private procedure "processCmd", to make sure that the data used by different widgets won't intermix (thanks to Leslie Brooks for his bug report). 3. Improved the parsing of configuration and command options. What was new in Wcb 2.4? ------------------------ 1. A callback is now considered empty if and only if it is an empty *string*, not an empty *list*, like in earlier versions. This is better because the "llength" command, used in earlier versions, doesn't work if its argument is not a well-formed list. 2. The command reference has been moved from the file "wcb.html" into "wcbRef.html", which is also included in the documentation of the Mentry package. 3. Further improvements in the documentation. What was new in Wcb 2.3? ------------------------ 1. The "changeEntryText" command now returns the value 0 if the attempted change gets canceled by some before-delete or before- insert callback, and 1 otherwise. (This was kindly suggested by Aryeh Koenigsberg.) 2. Support for the new Tk core spinbox widget if Tk version 8.4 or higher is being used. Everything that refers to entry widgets is valid for spinbox widgets, too. 3. Support for the new tablelist widget (see http://www.nemethi.de). Everything that refers to listbox widgets is valid for tablelist widgets, too. 4. Minor improvements in the code and documentation. What was new in Wcb 2.2? ------------------------ 1. The demo script "texttest.tcl" now uses a before- instead of after- motion callback to keep track of the position of the insertion cursor. The manual file "wcb.html" explains the reason for this change. 2. Minor improvements in the documentation. What was new in Wcb 2.1? ------------------------ 1. Fixed a bug in the procedure "cbprepend", introduced in version 2.0. 2. Included a new demo script using an activate callback for a listbox. This new example is also discussed in the manual file "wcb.html". 3. Minor improvements in the code and documentation. What was new in Wcb 2.0? ------------------------ 1. To load the package, you can now pass either "Wcb" or "wcb" to the "package require" command (earlier versions only supported the package name "Wcb"). 2. The current version 2.0 contains the new basic procedures "cbappend", "cbprepend", and "canceled", the new utility procedure "changeEntryText", and the new before-insert callback "checkEntryForUInt". 3. Several significant improvements have been made in the code, with the purpose to save resources and make the implementation more straight- forward. 4. In case of an error, the new Tcl procedure corresponding to a widget with registered callbacks now outputs exactly the same error message and sets the "errorInfo" variable to the same value as the original Tcl command associated with the widget. That is, the behavior of a widget in case of an error is now the same, whether it has callbacks or not. 5. The demo script "texttest.tcl" now also shows how to keep track of the position of the insertion cursor by using an after-motion callback.